My Typical Day Working At Home.

Buy My typical day working at home A phrasal verb story The English Language Coach

An Introduction to a Phrasal Verb Story

Here is my typical day working at home.   

I, like many people, have been working at home for a year. I work on my computer from 8am to 6pm.

7am. I wake up when the alarm rings long and loud. I switch it off and stumble out of bed. I get dressed, have breakfast, and give my dog a run outside.

8am. I sit down at my desk and turn on my laptop. I log in and start working. I get many emails, so I scroll down through them and write down what I have to do.

11am. I put down my pen. I get up, play with my dog, have a cup of coffee and a snack, then I sit down and pick up my pen again.

1pm. I take my lunch break. One day I put my lunch on my coffee table only to turn around and see my dog eating my lunch!! I take my dog for a

a short walk then I’m back to work, with online meetings.

4pm. I get another cup of coffee and I have a stretch. Not much longer to work.

5.30. The final task of the day. I check my diary and work out what I have to do tomorrow. I put the tasks in order of importance and decide which tasks I need to do first, around the meetings.

6pm. I switch off my laptop. The workday is done. 


wake up, switch off, sit down, turn on, log in, scroll down, write down, put down, get up, pick up, switch on, turn around, work out


Remember you can not work out what the Phrasal verb means by translating the verb. You need to look at the sentence to work out what they mean.

Try writing a sentence using the phrasal verb using the meaning below.

Note: most phrasal verbs have more than one meaning.

wake up to make somebody stop sleeping

Switch off / on switch off/on, to turn a light, machine, etc. off/on by pressing a button or switch

Sit down to move from a standing position to a sitting position

turn on to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc.

log in (computing) to perform the actions that allow you to begin using a computer system

scroll down to move down the screen( for example when using a smartphone)

write down to write something on paper

put down put someone or something on a surface

get up to stand up after sitting

pick up  lift someone or something up from a surface

turn around to change position or direction so as to face the other way

work out be successful or end in a particular way; find a satisfactory way of doing something.

I hope you like this story.  There are other phrasal verb stories in the blog 

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